Do I Really Need A Breast Lift?
The decision to do a breast augmentation without lift versus a breast augmentation with a breast lift, however, is less based on patient preference and more dictated the saginess, the nipple position, and the ratio between the breast volume and the amount of excess skin that is present.
How Ptotic Are My Breasts?
The gold-standard method of assessing the need for a breast lift is the “pencil test.” Standing in front of a mirror, lift the breast and lay a pencil in the fold under the breast and allow the breast to settle over the pencil. Look at the position of the nipple in relation to the pencil.
The lower the nipples and breast are below the pencil and the more excess skin you have, the greater the chance you will need a breast lift and the more of a breast lift you will need. If your nipple and a majority of your breast are at or above the pencil (Normal), you will likely get a great result from a breast augmentation alone. Larger implants can shift this equation slightly for patients that have borderline ptosis (Grade 1).
(more…)Blepharoplasty with Fat Redraping – Solutions For Aging Eyes
Aging eyes are characterized by the development of wrinkles, fine lines, drooping skin, midface hollowing, and eyelid bags. These changes make patients look tired and angry. The bulging of the lower eyelids occurs as the tissue wall (orbital septum) that holds the fat in the orbit begins to weaken and stretch. Traditional blepharoplasty attempts to address this bulge by reducing the fat.
This approach to treating the aging eyes reduces the bulge, however, it can produce two unwanted effects. The first is an unmasking of midface hollowing that was masked by the fullness of the bulging lower eyelids. The second occurs as the face continues to age. Over time, the orbital fat begins to lose volume. This produces hollowing around the eyes. If the fat is reduced during a blepharoplasty, this hollowing is accelerated. This leaves the patient with a skeletal look that is difficult to correct.
Breast Q&A: Undecided – Lift vs Implants for Deflated Breasts
Question – Undecided, Lift or Implants. Surgery in 3 Weeks, Opinions Please
Hello. I have my breast surgery scheduled in June, however, am still undecided which route I should take. Would 500cc saline implants be sufficent to give me some volume, or will I end up with large, saggy breasts? If I decided to go just for a lift, my boobs will be tiny and scared. Hence, I’d rather go for implants even if I will have to get a lift 10 years down the road. I don’t want both surgeries, so it will be either tiny or big. What to do? I’m 40, 1 child. Thank you.
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Answer – For the best result possible, a vertical breast lift + submuscular, moderately sized implant is needed
In response to your question and based on your photos, this is not really a one or the other type of situation. You really need to have both a lift and an augmentation. If you do them separately you will probably not be satisfied with the eventual outcome. You have significant loss of volume, and if you were to only proceed with skin tightening all that would be accomplished is a higher position of the nipple areola complex. There would be no superior fill and an even smaller appearing breast mound.