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Face Q&A: For Sunken Hollow Cheeks, Fillers, Fat Injections or Facelift?

Question – Below my cheekbone a hollow channel is inching towards the center of my face. I had a facelift two years ago and cannot figure out what is causing this. What can be done to correct this?

The facelift was two years ago. On one cheek, just below my cheekbone and along the path of the lift, a hollow channel has been inching toward the center of my face. The doctor has assured me that this was not a thread lift. The hollow is about 1.25″ in width. The skin above it is taut and looks lifeless. The hollow keeps lengthening and it looks awful. What could be happening? And can anything be done to stop it and/or correct it? – via RealSelf

Answer – Given that your facelift was two years ago, there are a couple possible reasons for why your cheeks now appear hollow/sunken based on the details you provided in your question: One possibility is that your surgeon did more ‘pulling’ & ‘tightening’ of your skin and not enough/any fat or tissue reposition. Another possibility is that you’ve experienced some fat re-absorption within the cheek area in the 2 years since your facelift as a result of weight loss, changes in diet, and/or BMI. The good new is that there are a few ways to replace the volume you’ve lost, which I’ll detail below.

How an overly tight facelift can cause hollow cheeks


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