Pre and Post-Op: What to Know About Your Facial Procedure
When it comes to your cosmetic procedure, pre and post-op care are just as important as the overall results. In fact, proper care, both pre and post-op, is instrumental for the best results. For your facial procedure, let’s go over what to expect, do’s and don’ts, and everything else vital to your pre and post-op care to maximize your results, minimize your recovery time and discomfort, and become your best self!

Early Pre-Op: First Steps
Once you’ve consulted with your surgeon, settled on your desired facial procedure, and booked the date, the next step is proper self-care and preparation.
Smokers: Smoking slows the body’s healing process by decreasing blood flow and inhibiting inflammation. Quitting 4-6 weeks before your procedure and staying smoke-free for at least 4 weeks post-op can decrease your risk of complications and help speed up the recovery process. It’s important to note that nicotine replacement, while safer than smoking, is still toxic. For best results, we recommend complete cessation and abstinence from nicotine for at least 4 weeks pre-op and 4 weeks post-op.
Roughly two weeks before surgery, patients should stop taking any blood-thinning medications, as well as any medications containing Vitamin E, diet pills and supplements, and aspirin or ibuprofen. You should discuss your medication list and physical history with your surgeon at your consultation.
Part of your preparation for a facial procedure also involves taking care of the skin on your face. For best results, we recommend a facial regimen with Vitamin C, Retinyl, and Moisturizing serums. This will help keep your face hydrated, moisturized, and ready for your procedure.
Pre-Op: Just Before Surgery
On the day just before your procedure, in addition to clearing out your schedule so you can rest and heal unimpeded, you should begin your antibiotics, as well as your Arnica (a holistic anti-inflammatory).
Antibacterial (or antimicrobial soap) is instrumental to your recovery. On both the night before surgery and the morning of, it’s important to wash your face thoroughly with this soap, as it will help minimize the risk of infection.
Continue your antibiotics and Arnica through the date of surgery, including the morning of your procedure. If you take an anxiolytic for your procedure, take that the morning of as well.
The Day of the Procedure
Don’t wait until the day of your surgery to ask your surgical team questions. If you have any questions or concerns in the days or weeks leading up to your procedure, be sure to contact your team without delay.
*Remember, communication and transparency are crucial to both a quick recovery and best results!*

As mentioned, your surgeon will tell you what medications you can and cannot take leading up to, directly before, and after your procedure, including the morning of. You should also arrange transportation to and from the facility. Depending on the procedure(s) performed, we also recommend having a loved one nearby for the first few days of healing. This can help the patient rest and focus on recovery.
Post-Op: Just After Surgery
Immediately after surgery, the most important things to remember are to keep the head elevated and to apply ice to help reduce swelling. As mentioned, we recommend having someone nearby for at least the first 24 hours post-op, to help the patient follow these two rules. Take any prescribed pain medications before you begin to feel discomfort–it’s easier to prevent pain than to try to control it.
Continue your antibiotics, Arnica, and any other medications as recommended by your surgeon immediately following your procedure. Try to restrict your activities for at least a few days post-procedure. It may take up to a week or longer to feel “back to normal”-at which point you can resume physical activity.
Post-Op: What to Expect After Your Procedure
Both bleeding and swelling are completely normal side effects of a facial procedure. Both should be easily controlled with rest, elevation, ice, and medication. If persistent bleeding or swelling occurs, contact your surgeon immediately.
As early as you can post-procedure, we recommend washing with antibacterial soap again. Continue your antibiotics, Arnica, and any other medications as directed by your surgeon. We also recommend the application of CBD restorative creams to help pain/numbness relief, moisturizing, and healing.
About one week to one-month post-op, you can discontinue your antibiotics. Remember to take the entire prescription, however, as avoiding even one dose can significantly reduce the efficacy. Continue your Arnica and CBD creams and consult with your surgical team about scar management.
Scar management: We begin scar management strategies about 10-14 days post-op. These include the use of sunscreen, gentle massages of the operative area, and the use of silicone-based gel to encourage optimal scar maturation. We continue these scar management strategies for up to a year post-op to ensure full scar maturation.
We also recommend patients start warm compresses around this time to reduce bruising. Your surgeon will tell you what compresses or apparel is best for your specific procedure. Continue use of these garments as recommended by your surgeon for as long as needed post-op.
Pre and Post-Op Recap
Early pre-op:
Quit smoking & nicotine use.
Stop taking blood-thinners, Vitamin E, ibuprofen/aspirin, and dietary supplements.
Begin facial regimen.
Ask any questions/clear any concerns.
Late pre-op:
Begin antibiotics, Arnica.
Clear out schedule to aid in rest and recovery.
Wash face with antibacterial/antimicrobial soap.
Day of procedure:
Continue taking antibiotics, Arnica.
For IN-OFFICE PROCEDURES, if you take an anxiolytic for your procedure, take that the morning of as well.
Keep head elevated, apply ice.
Days-weeks post-op:
Continue to wash with antibacterial/antimicrobial soap.
Continue antibiotics, Arnica. Remember to take entire course of antibiotics.
Apply CBD restorative cream for pain/numbness, moisturizing, and healing.
Start scar management.
Start warm compresses to relieve bruising.
Ready For Your Procedure? Schedule Today!

From face and neck lifts to facial implants, rhinoplasty, eyelid lifts and so much more, DeLuca Plastic Surgery offers dazzling results customized to your needs. We also take great pride in walking our patients through all the aspects of pre and post-op care. From answering your questions to outlining a customized treatment plan to standing by your side through recovery, DeLuca Plastic Surgery is about more than just results. Our over 30 years of experience is a testament to the personalized, professional care we provide to each patient who walks through our doors.
If you’re ready to experience a different side of cosmetic surgery, book a consultation with DeLuca Plastic Surgery today. We offer in-person, phone-in, and instant email consultations.
Choose the right experience for you and start on the road to changing your life today!