Everything You Should Know About Breast Implants, Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Breast Augmentation surgery appeals to many women who would like to change the size or shape of their breasts. However, women often worry about the procedure’s effect on breastfeeding and future pregnancies. It’s important to understand the risks and benefits while avoiding common myths.

Will Pregnancy Affect Implants

Your breasts will probably grow larger when you become pregnant. If a breast contains an implant, this temporary change won’t damage it. You can rest assured that pregnancy and the process of giving birth don’t have any significant impact on implants.

Read: “Breast Augmentation”

Could Implants Harm A Baby

Breast implants have not been shown to increase the risk to a developing fetus or breastfeeding infant. There is also no evidence that breast implants increase the likelihood of pregnancy complications, cause birth defects, or effect on the quality of a mother’s breast milk.

Is Breastfeeding Still Possible

Although breast enlargement surgery may rarely impact the ability to breastfeed, this usually doesn’t happen. The type of incision used to place the implant can, however, increase or decrease this risk. Breast Augmentation performed through an inferior mammary fold (IMF) incision will not typically injure the milk ducts. nerves, or glandular tissue and , so, offers the least risk to breastfeeding.

Read: “Breast Augmentation Basics”

Will I Produce Enough Milk

A woman’s ability to produce milk and ultimate breast feed is highly personal and is dependent on a multitude of variables including age, breast development, hormones, medications, diet, and stress. The amount of milk produced also varies with each attempt at breast-feeding.
Any breast surgery may possibly reduce the amount of milk that a mother’s mammary glands can secrete. Surgery necessitates cuts in the skin, breast gland, and surrounding tissue that may interfere with milk production or stimulation. A reduction in milk production may also occur when you undergo surgery to decrease the size of your breasts.

You can compensate for a reduced milk supply by intermittently using infant formula. If you want to avoid any risk that augmentation will curtail breastfeeding, think about postponing surgery until your child stops nursing.

What Benefits Can I Expect

The size and shape of a mother’s breasts often change in undesirable ways after she gives birth. Fortunately, implants can help minimize these changes. An augmented breast often won’t shrink as much as its implant-free counterparts; this can limit the negative effects of skin stretching.

To maximize the benefits and avoid complications, choose a surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Your doctor should personalize the surgery to suit your body traits and breast type. Tell a surgeon if you plan to become pregnant and breastfeed a baby.

DeLuca Plastic Surgery offers various cosmetic treatments to residents of the Albany area. Our surgeons have the skills and expertise to help their patients achieve their surgical goals. To learn more, contact DeLuca Plastic Surgery today.

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