Gynecomastia Correction

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Obtain a flatter, more muscular looking chest by reducing excess fat and glandular breast tissue.

Gynecomastia is a condition that causes enlarged breast size in men. True gynecomastia exists when there is an excess of glandular breast tissue behind the nipple-areola-complex (NAC) that causes the breasts to protrude. Excess fatty tissue in overweight individuals can also create the appearance of larger-than-normal breasts in men. The condition can be present in either one or both breasts and affects an estimated 40 to 60 percent of men between the ages of 20 and 50.

The goal of gynecomastia surgery is to reduce extraneous excess breast tissue and/or puffy nipples. Dr. Tauber accomplishes this by reducing over 90% of the mammary gland, leaving just enough glandular tissue to support the nipple-areola-complex and prevent concavity of the areola. Depending on the severity of excess tissue, modified breast reduction and liposuction techniques are used.

Why Patients Choose Dr. Tauber to Perform Their Gynecomastia Procedure

As with most cosmetic procedures, the experience and technical ability of the surgeon matter most. The reason for this is that surgeons who possess a high degree of both experience and ability are far less likely to give their patients a sub-par result that leads to complications or requires re-operation. Experience is determined by the number of breast surgeries a surgeon has performed whereas ability is best measured by the consistency and quality of their results (which are best judged by looking through a surgeon’s portfolio of before & after photos).

  • Experience – DeLuca Plastic Surgery several hundred male breast reductions. There aren’t many types of gynecomastia that Dr. Tauber has not already seen or operated on.
  • Skill & Technique – The surgeons at DeLuca Plastic Surgery have spent decades practicing, refining and perfecting the surgical techniques they uses in male breast reduction surgery. This allows them to focus on the artistic aspects of the procedure, namely the sculpting of the chest in a way that compliments the surrounding features and gives the entire torso a more masculine appearance.
  • Quality of Results – Dr. Tauber’s before & after photos provide clarity and confidence to patients unsure of what to expect from breast reduction surgery.

Gynecomastia Cost and Recovery

The cost of this procedure is determined by the extent of the work that you have done. You can discuss your options one-on-one with Dr. Tauber or Dr. Yan in order to determine the most effective surgical plan. Post-op, your incisions will be dressed and supportive bandages or garments can help minimize swelling and help your chest heal properly. You may also be given topical or oral medications to encourage the healing process. You can typically resume normal activity after a week and complete recovery should take roughly five to six weeks.

Surgical Options for Gynecomastia

The methods Dr. Tauber uses to treat your gynecomastia will depend on whether or not excessive glandular breast tissue is present behind the nipple-areola complex.

  • Disproportionally large chest with no glandular tissue – if there isn’t any firm glandular tissue behind the NAC, then liposuction alone may be all that’s needed to reduce the size and improve the shape of your breasts. This is often the case in overweight patients who have an overabundance of smooth, fatty tissue in their breasts.
  • Flat chest with puffy nipple-areola-complex – if the chest area is flat and fat-free, but a firm mass of tissue is present behind the NAC, then simple excision through a small incision around the areola that reduces the tissue is all that’s needed.
  • Larger-than-desired chest with only a little glandular tissue – the vast majority of patients fall into this category. In these cases, a little bit of liposuction is combined with a small excision to achieve an optimally shaped chest area.
  • Excess, hanging skin due to extreme weight loss – for patients with excess, inelastic skin due to weight loss, sometimes a more traditional “breast reduction + lift” approach is needed to achieve the best result possible.

The Importance of Care Both Before & After Gynecomastia Surgery

In order to achieve the best possible results from your procedure to correct gynecomastia, supportive post-operative care is a must. Patients are placed into a surgical compression vest after surgery. This is maintained for about 2 weeks as the initial healing occurs. If recovery goes smoothly, patients are transitioned to Spanx Zoned Performance Compression Shirts (available on Amazon) for the remainder of the healing period of 4 to 6 weeks.

Dr. Tauber offers all cosmetic patients their direct phone number and are available 24/7 (either by phone or email). Patients come in for a series of check-ups one week, one month, and two months following surgery. If at any time, you wish to meet with Dr. Tauber, they will open up their schedule to see you. Post-operative appointments at DeLuca Plastic Surgery are at no cost to you.

Get more details on the management of swelling and scars in blog post: Post-Operative Care After Plastic Surgery.

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